Actress reveals sex tape

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Liddo Annie
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Actress reveals sex tape

Post by Liddo Annie »


Actress Zhang Yu showed the media Tuesday more than 20 videotapes of her having sex with famous Chinese directors and actors, at a hotpot restaurant in Beijing, The Beijing News reported Wednesday.

In September 2003, the then-unknown Zhang became nationally famous after telling the press that she had videotapes and other evidence to prove that director Huang Jianzhong had sex with her friend, Xiaoxia (real name not disclosed), in front of her June 1, 2002.

Zhang said Huang had hinted many times that he would offer her roles in his TV series if she had sex with him. Zhang later said she did not want to have sex with Huang, but being worried she would lose the opportunity to act in the TV series, she asked Xiao-xia to be her "substitute."

Huang responded in 2003 that he did have dinner with Zhang but he was drunk after two bottles of beer and could not remember what had happened that day. Then he, along with TV producer Zhang Jizhong and director Yu Min, criticized Zhang in a newspaper article for making false accusations.

In return, Zhang sued the three for damaging her reputation. In May this year, a Beijing court ruled the three directors were innocent as they had simply made general remarks about social morality.

At Tuesday's press conference, Zhang admitted again that she had received all her roles by sleeping with directors.

The videotapes revealed by her had the times, venues and names of the persons involved. Zhang said some of the videos show her having sex with Huang.

Zhang also showed four letters signed by famous actors like Wen Haibo and Chen Youwang. The letters said Zhang would be offered roles in TV series in return for having sex.

Chen on Wednesday admitted that he had signed the letter, but only under coercion, while Wen refused to make any comment.

Zhang also said she was writing an autobiography titled "Days in Showbiz" and would continue her suit against Huang and other directors.
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Post by froggyboy604 »

I never heard of her before. It's such a shame that she had to have sex with actors and directors to get acting roles instead of doing it the honest way by working hard at improving her acting, or finding a different acting role which doesnt require her to have sex with the directors, and actors unless it's in the plot.
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Re: Actress reveals sex tape

Post by Skeithex »

when times are tough, you do what you do to get into the light of stardom.
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