My Child

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Oh Wise One
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My Child

Post by Oh Wise One »

Name of Piece: My Child
Copyright/credits to author: © C. Bagwell
Is the piece finished: Yes, suggestions welcomed
Rating and Reason for rating: R- Sexuality, Adult Content, Violence
Summary of Poem: (Three sentences at most) Poem is about abortion and a girl who has an abortion.

Laying here on this cold silver metal
they take you from me
scrape by scrape.
I reassure myself sixteen is too young
tears begin to fall.

A nurse leans over strokes my hair and tells me
this will end soon and
I can resume my normal

My normal Life?
My normal Life?

Not asking to be conceived
you were,
in the bed of an 84 Chevy.
You have a life, a heartbeat
but no voice.

Only sixteen
what happened to my life?
Why am I laying here
letting them take yours?

And for what?
So I could be homecoming queen?
So I could keep my pack a day
which pollutes my lungs anyway?

If this is the right thing to do
why do I feel like this?
The counselor said this might happen.

Your daddy,
the gym teachers says
we can't keep you.
He says people will talk.

He says you aren't a child yet
you aren't even real
you don't breathe.
He calls you 'it'.
but to me you are Jordan.

Try to understand my child
this is for the best.
I'm not a rich person, nor educated
your daddy does not want you.

I hear you crying
I hear you in my mind.
Please don't my child
You will always live
in my heart.
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Post by froggyboy604 »

This is a very sad and meaningful poem.

The last verse is pretty good.

I hear you crying
I hear you in my mind.
Please don't my child
You will always live
in my heart.

Good Poem.
Oh Wise One
Posts: 157
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:10 am

Post by Oh Wise One »

Thank you. This poem was written in a contest at my college. I go to a Christian college and we were to address a debatable topic.
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Post by glors »

good poem, made me think.
Indigo Truth
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Post by Indigo Truth »

That is really easy reading but very moving and meaningful
nicely done

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Post by Nemo »

It's very touching-I wish more "pro-choice" people could read this.
Oh Wise One
Posts: 157
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:10 am

Post by Oh Wise One »

Thank you for the comment Nemo. I am actually not pro-choice or pro-life. I deal with so many people now in the course of the day at my job that I think it's what's best for the woman.
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