New forum - for Asian males and All race women

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Post by Hikari »

Sounds like a dating site to me...
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Post by froggyboy604 »

Hikari wrote:Sounds like a dating site to me...
Actually, their forum has some pretty good sections related to asian culture. There are sections not related to asian men. I think it is a site dedicated to asian males since the owner is in love with asian males and enjoy asian culture.

Post by Hikari »

froggyboy604 wrote:
Hikari wrote:Sounds like a dating site to me...
Actually, their forum has some pretty good sections related to asian culture. There are sections not related to asian men. I think it is a site dedicated to asian males since the owner is in love with asian males and enjoy asian culture.
Really? Might check it out then!
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:40 am

Re: New forum - for Asian males and All race wome

Post by alanbruce »

Thanks for sharing.
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