[Members interview] for mx newsletter?

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[Members interview] for mx newsletter?

Post by froggyboy604 »

I'm planning to interview members for the mxp e-mail newsletter, so members get to know each other better, and the newsletter be less plain. If your too lazy to answer all the questions then only answer two or three.

Can you answer these questions. Thank you

1. How did you find mxproject?

2. What are your hobbies?

3. Where do you wish to live someday?

4. Why do you like forums?

5. What things make you laugh?

Note: If you wouldn't want to be in the newsletter, then don't post in here.
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Post by SetoTK »

1. How did you find mxproject?

Followed a link which led tme to a redirect which, by some perverse means of transport lead me here

2. What are your hobbies?

Persuing the cause of the purple wobblies

3. Where do you wish to live someday?

In a field

4. Why do you like forums?

i think they just look so good in a bit of lace

5. What things make you laugh?

morons who think they have a level of intellect greater than your average house hold brick
I never really understood Thursdays.

Post by Hikari »

1. How did you find mxproject?
Can't remember. I think I just googled Jpop.

2. What are your hobbies?
Pokémon card collecting and battling, watching anime, reading manga, web design, and WiFi Pokémon D/P battling.

3. Where do you wish to live someday?
Tokyo, or at least somewhere big in Japan.

4. Why do you like forums?
'Cause the people in my neighborhood are all immature kiddies. There's nou wei that you can talk with them. So I gotta use forums.

5. What things make you laugh?
Corny jokes involving clueless Japanese salesmen.
Liddo Annie
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Post by Liddo Annie »

1. How did you find mxproject?

If i remember correctly, it was the shift from DM --> MX. I forgot what happened though.

2. What are your hobbies?

reading, watching and critquing movies for my own benefit, and for my job ;__-;
3. Where do you wish to live someday?
Canada? I actually like living in Burnaby, its quiet nice..although i hate the weather.

4. Why do you like forums?

I get to interact with people, and I can see people's different point of view on things.

5. What things make you laugh?

the office. Their jokes just crack me up.
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Post by froggyboy604 »

Thanks, for responding. I put 1 member's interview in the newsletter per month.

I interview myself. :-D since I haven't replied to this thread yet.

1. How did you find mxproject?

I was part of dmelody forums, but I think it was Dan, or Ray who decided to turn dmelody in to mxproject, so I joined mxproject.

2. What are your hobbies?

My hobbies include watching movies, playing video games, television, and computers.

3. Where do you wish to live someday?

I like to stay in East Vancouver, BC, Canada where I currently live since It's nice. Plus, I don't really feel like moving to a new place and learning all the streets, shopping locations.

4. Why do you like forums?

It is interesting to read about other people's lives and point of view on wide list of topics like "what music they like?" I also like meeting new people. Forums also have this relaxing atmosphere where people are more open with themselves.

Plus, it is easy to update, post, reply and edit topics on forums compared to websites.

5. What things make you laugh?

Things that make me laugh include funny anime, comedy movies, cartoons, my friends, and funny animal tricks like a monkey that can roller skate.
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