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Views on watching "Video on the Go" on a portable device?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:52 am
by froggyboy604
Watching videos on a portable device like a laptop, tablet, portable media player, etc is useful for people who enjoy watching videos on a long plane ride, or train ride where they will be sitting in a chair for hours with nothing to do, but sit.

Re: Views on watching "Video on the Go" on a portable device

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:40 am
by Skeithex
not big on ear buds, and I'm sure the people around you will complain if your watching something bad. so I doubt I carry something like this.

Re: Views on watching "Video on the Go" on a portable device

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:11 am
by froggyboy604
I can see uptight people compaining about many of the videos I watch since some anime, movie and game trailers and foreign films can be kind of weird, or overly sexy, or violent, so uptight people might complain.

Re: Views on watching "Video on the Go" on a portable device

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:39 pm
by Skeithex
froggyboy604 wrote:I can see uptight people compaining about many of the videos I watch since some anime, movie and game trailers and foreign films can be kind of weird, or overly sexy, or violent, so uptight people might complain.
be careful about the sexy content, transport officials and borders officials can detain you if you hold any.

Re: Views on watching "Video on the Go" on a portable device

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:45 am
by froggyboy604
I believe if you watch legal sexy videos with adult women made by Hugh Hefner of Playboy and other popular store bought sexy videos then you should be fine since the women are adults in the video, and Playboy is not having problem with the law because of taking pictures and videos of adult women who get payed by PB to pose nude.

Although, you can't show sexy videos to under age people otherwise you get in trouble for showing indecent pictures and videos.